
Quetzal is in danger!

Our alternative for its protection


November 2016
Renace an innovation guide

Renace Hydroelectric Complex, has many projects located over Cahabón river in San Pedro Carchá, Alta Verapaz. One of them is “Quetzal Conservation”, Guatemala´s symbol bird. The objective is to keep Quetzal populations by means of investigation of the specie, protection and habitat restoration..

Guatemalan Quetzal, bird from the trogons family is unfortunately in danger of extinction due to its habit destruction.

“The majority of Guatemalans believes that our country is a huge jungle; my perception is that green areas are drastically being decreasing” Pablo Bolaños, biologist

Quetzal en vuelo, Verapaces

How the project works?

The reserve looks to create the minimal and needed conditions for the Quetzal to survive. It is a long term strategy (five years), at national level, jointly with CONAP [by its letters in the Spanish language] (Protected Areas National Board) and ACCN [by its letters in the Spanish language]( Scientific Association for Nature Conservation). Three phases will be executed:

  • First Phase: acoustic methods

The objective is to develop a base line of the symbol bird´s population, through an investigation of acoustic methods.

“With this method we can study the Quetzal without the need of touching it and being in the field; utilizing automatic devices you can record them without scaring them” Pablo Bolaños, biologist

 “Con este método podemos estudiar al Quetzal sin necesidad de tocarlo y de estar en el campo; utilizando aparatos automáticos se los puede grabar sin que ellos se asusten” Pablo Bolaños, biólogo

  • Second Phase: Quetzal Conservation Program

In this stage of the project, a program for “Quetzal Conservation” will be developed, in different space scales that include: habitat restoration, risk analysis, quetzals ex situ reproduction and a genetic analysis.

  • Third Phase: environmental education

For the initiative to work, awareness and symbol bird care are essential. Renace looks after the 46 hectares of protected area. It has reserve guards who do not allow people to damage fauna and flora, applying environmental education principles.